DevOps: Understand Your Role In The Company

Have you ever heard of DevOps? This concept refers to a set of methodologies and tools to enhance software development within a company, which is one of the IT sector’s significant trends today.
In this way, understanding what DevOps means and its role within the company is essential to ensure the organization’s competitive differential in the current scenario.
To better understand, it is essential to know that DevOps is an acronym that unites Software Development and Operation. Its main objective is to allow integration between all development phases to ensure the enterprise’s agile and quality projects.
Want to know more about it? So, read on and find out!
What Is DevOps?
As you’ve already realized, DevOps is a set of tools and methodologies. Thus, it is not a single methodology, a cake recipe that must be applied in the same way in all companies. The DevOps proposal is access to a set of resources that must be employed according to the needs and demands of your organization to integrate the areas of development, operation and software infrastructure.
In addition to having a good infrastructure, Google Cloud Platform also provides excellent digital security tools to improve the performance of companies in the market. Therefore, the technological resources used in Google’s cloud computing solutions have a high level of protection.
There are several alternatives for companies to gain greater control over the security of their data, such as two-factor authentication. In addition, the Google Cloud Platform brings an extra layer of protection, preventing unauthorized people from gaining access to information.
There is also protection regarding data stored in the cloud. Storage on remote servers ensures that all files allocated on Google Cloud Platform servers are protected from hardware failures, preventing information loss in the event of a crash in the company’s data centers.
As you can see, the Google Cloud Platform infrastructure brings excellent resources for developing software and running web apps. This investment has high scalability, where you only pay for your use.
It can even be understood as a philosophy, a work proposal within the organization. In addition, it is based on the agile culture and is constantly being developed and updated.
What Is The Role Of The DevOps Professional In The Company?
To implement DevOps within the company, it is necessary to have a specialized professional. But do you know what roles he performs within the organization?
The DevOps professional is responsible for bridging the gap between the various IT sectors. In this way, he must identify the organization’s primary needs and problems that must be solved so that the teams work together and in harmony. It also supports other team members in knowing how to use the proposed tools in the best possible way.
Therefore, he strategically participates in all IT processes, indicating the best ways for teams to work together. It is worth remembering that to implement DevOps in the company, it is also necessary to train other professionals to engage everyone in this change. Therefore, the DevOps professional is still responsible for this process, participating in constructing an agile culture in the IT sector.
What Are The Advantages Of Implementing DevOps In The Company?
Implementing DevOps can offer several benefits to your organization. Among the main ones, we can highlight:
- improves the integration of the IT team;
- reduces the number of errors;
- increases speed in project development;
- increases the quality of results;
- improves the alignment of the IT team as a whole.
As you can see, DevOps is an IT trend that is here to stay. Now that you know what this set of methodologies and tools is, how it works, and the roles of a DevOps professional, it’s time to look for ways to implement it in the organization.