Digital Intelligence, Or How To Reconcile Yourself With Big Data!

Everyone talks about Big Data and digital intelligence, but no one knows what it is or what to do with it. Paradoxically, while this mass of data has never been so critical, the notion of Big Data has never been so vague and elusive. And yet, data, described as the black gold of the 21st century, represents the present and future of e-commerce and marketing.
The challenge for companies is to become aware of the numerous data they hold and, above all, the opportunities that this represents. The key to success today lies in intelligently analyzing and using this data to guide your digital strategies and campaigns. How can she change the situation? We will explain everything to you.
Become Aware Of The Data Collected And Their Challenges
The Era Of The Connected Consumer-Actor
The rise of the Internet and new technologies has upset lifestyles and consumption. Today, the consumer is hyper-connected and is better informed and more demanding. Anywhere and anytime, he can compare prices, read consumer reviews, see what your competitors are offering, etc. Customer loyalty is more fragile because increasingly volatile consumers undermine it. The latter are indeed challenged from all sides by mass marketing.
This picture may seem a little pessimistic, but, on the contrary, it presses where it hurts. Today’s challenge is to stand out from competitors and reach your target thanks to a consumer-centric approach. It would help if you seduced these consumer actors by meeting their expectations. And the one that takes precedence over all the others is the personalization of the offer and the customer experience.
An Exponential Mass Of Data
The democratization of the Internet and social networks has exploded the counters of Big Data. Web giants, commonly known as GAFA for Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon, see about us. They know our identity, our preferences, our location, our journeys, our needs, etc. Our searches on Google, purchases on Amazon, connection habits on Apple, or even our interactions on Facebook build our digital identity. Each Internet user leaves traces of their passage on the Web; this is what feeds Big Data. Each day :
- 3.3 billion queries are made on Google;
- Hundreds of millions of hours of videos have been viewed on YouTube, generating billions of views;
- 4.5 billion likes are distributed on Facebook.
The Internet is an inexhaustible source of collected data, and social networks contribute significantly.
Social Networks, These Mines Of Information
The hundreds of millions of tweets sent every day or the billions of likes distributed daily on Facebook and Instagram are all data collected that say a lot about Internet users. Being present on social networks represents many opportunities to gain visibility, notoriety, or to sell. They also have another significant advantage. It’s a powerful tool for knowing your customers and people interested in your brand.
Believe In The Promises Of Big Data
The challenge of Big Data is, therefore, not limited to data collection. The long-term objective is to analyze the data collected to use them better afterward. This is how you will take full advantage of Big Data. Delivering the right message at the right time to the right person will be possible. But the most challenging part is not to collect the data but to analyze them and cross them to bring out customer knowledge. By doing so, you will be able to adjust your strategy according to your customers’ expectations to reach your target. This is the whole point of digital intelligence.
To Take Better Advantage Of It, Thanks To Digital Intelligence
Data Marketing: The New Paradigm
Traditional marketing is no more. Long live data marketing! The growing amount of data collected necessarily implies a need to manage it. Marketers must evolve as the context in which they operate evolves. Today, competitiveness requires a customer-centric approach. It is thanks to the use of the data in your possession that you will be able to carry out this strategy.
Digital Intelligence As A Way To Exploit Data
Digital intelligence is the ability to understand your customers’ behavior in a well-defined context. To do this, you must analyze the data from your website, social networks, or advertising campaigns, what we call first-party data. But you can also have other types of data, those of a commercial partner, for example ( second-party data ) or those purchased from a data provider ( third-party data ).
We know that the raw data collected can vary depending on your activity, but there are dedicated tools to manage it. For example, CRM 360 or DMP ( Data management) centralizes all data in one place. This will allow you to cross-reference data and refine your customer knowledge quickly.
Towards A 360° Vision Of The Customer
The forms provide you with declarative data (name, age, sex, etc.); social networks give you demographic and behavioral data relating to user usage (interactions, connection habits, etc.); your website provides you with transactional data related to purchases; … All this data processing with a digital intelligence perspective will help refine your customer knowledge.
Knowing your customers is not just their age, location, or income; it is also their behaviors, habits, needs, and expectations. You need to have a 360° view of your customers. Digital intelligence is about segmenting your customers and establishing personas to guide your digital strategy intelligently.
Customize To Rule Better
Digital intelligence is the key to the success of a segmented, personalized, and scripted strategy according to the needs and expectations of your customers. Without in-depth customer knowledge, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to appropriately personalize your offer, your advertising campaigns, or the experience expected by your customers. It is even very likely that your digital strategy will not reach your target.
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