Facebook: A New Tool Will Impact Advertising Targeting

A little over a month after announcing one of its new features, Facebook announced on May 1 that a new tool will appear in the coming months. During F8 2018, Facebook’s annual conference, the social network CEO announced the launch of its new feature in the coming months. Your Social Media agency tells you about it today in this article.
His Desire For Transparency
During the Facebook conference in 2018, CEO made clear his desire, as said in another article, to be more transparent with his users. Following the many controversies around using the personal data of Internet users, the latter had to improve its reputation. Protecting privacy has therefore become Facebook’s new priority to avoid any abuses that may have been made public.
The informal organization accepts that giving individuals more straightforwardness and control will, at last, have a positive, long-haul impact on the organizations utilizing it. Facebook has designed this tool to give users more transparency and control over the data that third-party applications and websites share, i.e., to see and delete it if they want to. Want from their account and remove Facebook’s ability to store them.
What Is The New Tool Developed By Facebook?
Facebook continues to roll out new features that aim to be increasingly transparent with users. After the press release on the new tool “Why am I seeing this publication? “, the first social network in the world has announced a function that will allow you to see and manage activities outside of Facebook: “Delete history”. It will allow Internet users to clear their browsing history on the platform and see which applications they have interacted with.
Facebook clarified that browsing activity is not deleted, but the data is anonymized. In a publication on Facebook Business, the social network warned advertisers of the following tool. In this post, professionals knew that the latter may impact advertising targeting but will not affect measurement tools or Analytics. For Facebook, advertising and the protection of user information are compatible. It is possible to advertise while protecting user data.
Important Points To Know
The four essential points you need to know for its launch. The first point that advertisers should know is that this tool offers more transparency to users and control to companies. When Internet users know how their data is used, they are more confident with advertising and advertisers. As a second point, businesses should know that Facebook shows people how advertisers use its tools. This is the central element of this feature.
The social networking giant says it is happy to talk to companies about the strategies they plan to implement when “Delete History” is implemented. Facebook encourages these companies to think about how to warn users about their marketing practices. Then, as a third point, this tool could impact targeting since if an Internet user decides to delete his browsing history on the platform, Facebook will not use this data to target advertisements.
It includes Custom Audiences from people who have visited websites and apps. We must therefore be aware of this during developing strategies that revolve around this type of campaign. Finally, the last point to know is that Facebook’s measures and analysis tools have been designed to protect the identity of Internet users.
Personal information, such as name and phone number, is not shared with advertisers. And the social network intends to keep that the same. It will continue to share accurate metrics for businesses to understand the impact of their investment in Facebook while respecting users’ choice to control what happens outside of the network.
What To Remember?
After announcing a new feature made during F8 2018, Facebook has officially released a post about “Delete History”, which will arrive in the coming months. This tool may impact advertising targeting because users can empty their browsing history on the platform, making Internet users anonymous.
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