Social Media: How To Communicate Well?

More than 3.96 billion people use social networks in 2020, more than half of the world’s population. Companies must also communicate on social media to reach their target in such a context. So, how to use these social media? Find all the best practices to put in place.
Know Your Target
Before embarking on social media, it is essential to know your target. Indeed, the objective of social networks is to improve the commitment of your customers and prospects. To do this, take the time to answer some questions.
- Who is your target?
- How old is she?
- What is his professional activity?
- What are his life goals?
- What are his interests?
- What are its issues?
Answering all these questions will allow you to develop an effective marketing plan. For example, it will help you highlight the benefits of your product to respond to your audience’s problems or to use the proper communication channels.
Choose A Suitable Social Media
After finding out who your target is, you need to choose the right social network. Indeed, each social media has its particularities. For example, Twitter and LinkedIn are the preferred channels for BtoB relations. On the other hand, if your business is BtoC oriented, it is better to use Instagram or Tiktok. In the same spirit, the age of your audience influences the choice of social media.
If you are targeting a young audience, Tiktok or Snapchat will be perfect. And if your target is older people, opt for a Facebook page. Finally, use social networks according to your objectives. Indeed, Facebook is ideal for retaining customers, Instagram can boost its visibility, and for its part, Pinterest improves the click rate of a website.
Either way, posting regularly and being as active as possible is essential. But that takes work. So rather than spreading yourself too thin, choose your social networks carefully. And do not hesitate to use the services of a media manager to optimize your web marketing strategy.
Publish Quality Content
To conduct an effective inbound marketing strategy on social media, priority is placed on quality content. Who interests your target? Here are some tips to help you:
- Respond to the problems of Internet users: this is why the first phase (knowing your target) is essential.
- Focus on the content and form of your content: this concerns quality images or videos and airy and structured content. The goal is for it to be enjoyable to read or watch.
- Publish original content: it is possible, and even advisable, to draw inspiration from other content. However, you must always add a personal touch (humor, expertise, turns of phrase, etc.).
- Take care of the hook: this is how the reader will continue to consume content.
- Follow a common thread: it is a question of structuring your ideas so that they are understandable by all.
- Reread: avoid spelling mistakes or awkward turns of phrases.
- Only one message per content: do not make catch-all content. If you have several things to say, do it several times through different publications.
- Think about natural referencing: use relevant keywords to boost the visibility of each of your publications.
- Integrate calls to action: the objective of your content is to convert your target, so you must integrate CTAs. It can be to visit your site, buy your products, receive a marketing email, etc.
Use Multiple Content Types
Varying the content makes it possible to interest your audience. So, use videos, articles, carousels, podcasts, or even images for your publications. According to social networks, specific formats are preferred. For example, the carousel works very well on LinkedIn.
In addition to pleasing your target, it allows you to recycle your content. Indeed, after a few hundred articles, you have trouble finding new ideas. In that case, recycle your old pieces and turn them into videos. Your publications will benefit from a new angle, and above all, it’s an excellent way to support the message you want to convey.
Highlight Your Brand Image
Before appearing on social media, you must have defined your brand image. This allows people to remember you. So to develop your brand image, you must determine your logo, the colors used, and the typography. Beyond the purely visual aspect, the image also passes through tonality. That is, the way you address your readers.
- Do you use familiarity or familiarity?
- Do you have a light or more expert tone?
- Do you use humor in your posts?
Interact Regularly With Your Community Being present on social networks takes time and investment. Indeed, to improve Internet users’ engagement, it is essential to respond to them regularly. If you respond to your community a week after a message, creating a close relationship and commitment will be challenging.
So believing this objective of regularity, we advise you to use the services of a community manager. As an expert in social media, he will be able to highlight your brand while answering questions from Internet users.
Test On Social Networks
Very often, achieving your goals on the first attempt can be challenging. For this reason, you should test several solutions. This will allow you to determine your content strategy gradually. The tests can relate to different parameters. For example :
- Publication time: is your target more active on Monday mornings or weekends?
- Frequency: you must regularly publish to create engagement without going overboard at the risk of boring your target.
- The type of content: videos, articles, podcasts?
- The social media users’
- post length
- The hook format: with a quote, numbers, answering a question,….
Measure Our KPIs To Improve Your Social Strategy
To carry out an effective media marketing strategy, objectives must be defined. To do this, you must identify several KPIs, such as:
- the conversion rate;
- the click-through rate;
- the number of leads generated;
- the traffic of each social network.
Today, all social media offer statistical tools to allow you to check these KPIs. This will enable you to adjust your strategy to achieve your goals. In summary, using networks allows, above all, to promote communication with customers and prospects.
The key then lies in quality content and regular interactions. But to achieve this, we must pay attention to the phases before and after the publication, namely the knowledge of its target and the monitoring of its results. By applying these best practices, your company will be able to develop new leads and, above all, generate the commitment of its community.
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