Sourcing Message: Three Mistakes To Avoid!

Sourcing Message: You get duplicate stuck applications. Terrible, correct? Nonetheless, you have proactively sent a first “conventional” contact message to a competitor during your obtaining, remembering to save time. In actuality, you are losing some! Our sound guidance for changing a straightforward profile into a spurred up-and-comer.
64% of data at present distributed online is duplicate stuck. Selection representatives likewise produce a specific measure of information to promote their work offers or contact up-and-comers. They also reordered very much like up-and-comers who send CV, with introductory letters. However, one inquiry: do you like standard applications?
It’s Already Communication Around Your Employer’s Brand
Taking care of your sourcing messages is essential to obtain exciting feedback. This first contact will determine whether a profile becomes a candidate or not. This is, therefore, a significant challenge in sourcing. This first approach is also a reflection of your Employer Brand. You won’t get a second chance. The contact profile will give an idea about you and your company following this message, even if it will also glean information from your profile and your company page on LinkedIn. We also support our clients through training on all uses of social networks adapted to HR!
1 in 2 recruiters say they used social networks to obtain applications during their last executive recruitment.
Let’s take a direct approach message, and therefore, first contact at random. A digital recruiter from a sourcing platform that brings companies and candidates together – that’s their slogan. She contacted me this year. We couldn’t resist the idea of keeping the email a genre classic. We don’t know about you, but we found 3 significant errors.
We’ll let you make your list! The mistake made by recruiters is to want to save time by systematically sending the same message to all the selected profiles. It is essential to remember that most people contacted are working and will only respond if the message makes them want to know more.
In Sourcing, You Only Have One Chance To Make A Good Impression!
We’re not going to lie to each other; you’ll understand that we’ve made three main mistakes, and your subconscious already knows what we’re going to tell you deep down. This conversational approach is based on the qualitative more than the quantitative. To play the role of starting a genuine professional relationship, your message must, therefore, respect three golden rules.
The Message You Will Personalize
A “Hello, So-and-so” is not enough. Your future potential candidate must be sure that you have read their profile correctly and that your offer is specifically suited to them. You must quickly prove to him that you have done your job and are not wasting his time. Refer to elements of his CV to show him your relevance and to add value to him by letting him hear what made you want to contact him and not anyone else.
The Concrete Information You Will Specify
Because “a position in Grenoble,” found among 4,020 job offers, is a bit like the principle of a needle in a haystack, your interlocutor has no interest in spending 3 hours on your site for the possibility of a relevant position. Don’t worry; it doesn’t have one unless it’s a UFO or, more likely… evil. So provide as much information as possible: the company or, failing that, the sector, the type of position, the name of a contact, and their contact details to find out more quickly.
The Relationship You Will Seek To Value
You will only get a stranger to spend time clicking on your links if you have made them want to. Working on the relationship means adapting your message to the maturity stage of the exchange: start gently to make the candidate want to know more, and avoid asking for a service – like forwarding the ad to the whole world. – to someone you don’t know.
I Was Teasing Without Overselling!
Maintain a tone adapted to the one you use; there is no point in being “cooler” or overselling the position. Potential candidates pay more attention to substance than form. The transparency of the speech allows the candidate to trust you and to think about it with all the information to position themselves. Come on, we’re friendly; we’ll give you an example for LinkedIn, which will also serve as a grid for your other messages, especially emails.
LinkedIn posts are great summarization exercises because they only allow 300 characters: This template allows you to stay under 300 characters, and if you have any doubts, enter your message directly into the form. Understanding and analyzing the profile to detect between the lines what a professional opportunity could be for this or that person allows you to gain efficiency and increase your contact/response ratio from candidates.
And After The First Sourcing Message… Should We Follow Up Again?
No. And yes. It depends on the reaction of your interlocutor. If he doesn’t respond to you, and therefore, if he doesn’t add you to his LinkedIn contacts, it’s over for you. There’s no point in insisting; you no longer have control. Ask yourself why this is a non-response. There is also a risk that the candidate should have been notified and read your message.
That’s the game! However, he only wishes to be contacted by providing his contact details. Fortunately, sourcing through LinkedIn is one of many recruiting methods. Follow-up is in order if he responds to your invitation without responding to your message. We therefore recommend the following process:
- Profile Identification
- Invitation by personalized message
- Acceptance of contract
- Thank you for accepting with more information – you no longer have a character limit
- Possibly other reminders, if and only if the message has been read – in this case, you will see a tiny bubble with the photo of your contact appearing under your message on the right
You are now ready to write your unique message, to be adapted on a case-by-case basis.
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