Strategies For Using Social Media In Business

Strategies for Social Media: Companies’ strategies to use social networks can be divided into three groups, depending on their focus, complexity, and purpose.
The Strategies:
Brand Strategy
First of all, the most basic approach to managing social networks from a business perspective consists of establishing policies, guidelines, and controls that regulate employees’ use of social networks in the communication of corporate information. In this way, we preserve the company’s image and avoid negative reputational impacts derived from unfortunate comments.
Communication With The Client Through Social Networks
It consists of adapting and extending business services to social networks, considering them as another communication channel with customers. Many companies have opted for this approach for several years from this perspective. The first services were led by Human Resources, Communication, Marketing, and Customer Service. They all shared tactical or operational approaches such as the search for talent, internal information, client relationship, corporate communication, and product marketing.
Innovative Strategy
Finally, a much more complex and innovative approach provides more excellent value for the use of social networks in companies. It arises from the combination of “Big Data,” predictive analytics, and the digital transformation trends of companies. In this sense, the interest of companies in adapting their products and services to new customer needs has meant that the business use of social networks opens the door to further benefits of a strategic nature.
Based on the fact that social networks are possibly the largest sources of social “Big Data” in the world, it could be said that they have become the primary source for predictive analysis of social behavior and trends. The use that can be made of these analyzes is unlimited, from market research and development of new products to business risk assessment and anticipation of new threats based on cyber intelligence services.
Advantages Of Social Networks At The Business Level
From the previous observations, the essential advantages obtained by using social networks in companies can be extracted.
Know The Public
The ability to analyze, filter, and segment information are practically absolute. It is possible to determine in an exact way where exactly the company’s target operates, what types of groups use its products and services, the age of the clients, their gender, and their time habits. Trying to get this information outside of social networks is practically impossible.
Increase Web Traffic
With the knowledge derived from social networks, the company can create and distribute the content that specific audiences demand. The contents, in turn, can be shared, which increases web traffic.
Information In Real-Time
A key aspect, increasingly sought after by companies, is real-time interaction with users. Social networks are environments designed and developed to favor communication and instant exchange of information.
Better Customer Service
Through social networks, many opinions and moods of users can be perceived and analyzed. Corporations often criticize products or services for interacting with the protagonists publicly and rectifying errors.
Many social networks are also used to feed users with information that improves the consumption experience of certain products and services. This can be done in various ways. For example, we are guiding them in their use, broadening the horizons of their applications, or directly attending to their queries and concerns.
Improve The Positioning Of The Corporate Website
SEO positioning criteria are evolving. Nowadays, quality is more than quantity. Algorithms no longer only evaluate traffic to the web and how it is generated, and what users do within the website. Social networks are a good source of traffic because they are searches that reflect real user concerns.
Know The Competition Better
As in social networks, everything is visualized and experienced in real-time; the effects of any action can be analyzed immediately. Thus, we can perfectly see the reactions that other companies of the competition cause in the audiences with their initiatives. In this way, the use of social networks in companies has become an accurate observatory of competitors. This competition observation allows companies to react to movements and even anticipate them. Social networks are a whole new world that moves at high speed. They provide companies with ways of relating to the public that they could not even imagine until now.
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