The Cloud As A Catalyst For A More Dynamic Future

The Cloud as a catalyst is driving a new wave of digital transformation. Understand how it impacts your business. If the process of adopting Cloud solutions was already intense, the need for remote collaboration due to the pandemic made this process even more intense.
The definition of “workspace” is highly debated, and with many companies adopting remote work (or some hybrid system) permanently, on-premises Server models need to share space and attention with another valuable player; hybrid Cloud and multi-Cloud gain space, with more affordable prices and a greater variety of products and solutions available.
Similarly, the increase in consumption of digital goods and services, in addition to e-commerce, due to the same point, is also accelerating this new wave of digital transformation. More companies are looking to sell physical products through digital media and services, such as games, streaming, courses and others designed for the online environment. For the near future, the trend is for this process to continue at this pace, which makes it essential for companies to be ready to operate in a Cloud environment, whatever their market.
Data Is Indispensable On Many Fronts
One of the most striking aspects of the current scenario is the use of analytics and big data solutions, which help to collect, process and extract actionable intelligence for the business from data; with the advancement of the Cloud, they are being moved from the local Server to the Cloud and even to server less contexts, where the focus leaves the structure and passes to the application function. At the other end is the issue of data security, a subject of high sensitivity with the emergence of laws such as the LGPD, which provide for heavy fines in case of loss or leakage of data or even its inappropriate use by companies.
Naturally, the increasing complexity of the scenario, with data increasingly in transit and less at rest on physical servers, raises the need for high technical qualifications in several areas of the digital ecosystem. Infrastructure, data science, information security: all these and many other skills need to be raised to respond to the new challenges of companies.
The Union Of The Dev With The Low Code
If, on the one hand, the complexity of the environment will require more and more technical qualifications from the developer, on the other hand, low code platforms tend to grow to help develop specific solutions for certain areas with minimal coding. This effectively brings designers and experts in different fields closer to developers, creating applications and tools specific to their needs.
This trend should increase the need for teams to bring together different technical and professional profiles to encourage the development of better products that are more aligned with the complex needs of the business.
From Edge To Cloud
At the same time, as Cloud computing grows, there is the expansion of the so-called edge computing, or edge computing, where data is processed close to where it is generated, such as in endpoints, mobile devices and IoT, among others. As mentioned earlier, the pressure for data security is high, which is equally valid in edge computing.
Thus, the need for security development for endpoints and devices grows, and concepts of security by design, where security is part of the basis of the development of an app or device, become fundamental. Similarly, security rules such as zero trust and hierarchy become indispensable, as well as cybersecurity tools that rely on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) resources to identify potential incidents and apply fast and accurate remediation.
This is just a sample of the current Cloud landscape and the next steps for companies. For those who want to maintain high business performance and be at the forefront of the new wave of digital transformation, it is essential to pay attention to these aspects, invest in qualifications and technology, and always rely on partners who understand this new reality everything it can bring. Good for business.
Also Read: Cloud Computing In Logistics: The 4.0 Wave