What To Do With An Old Laptop?

Have you recently purchased a new laptop? Now you wonder what you’re going to do with the old one. In this article, find some ideas and tips to help you decide. In 2019, global e-waste reached 53 million tons, which is considerable. So, to get rid of your old laptop, study all the options available and opt for an environmentally friendly solution.
Why Not Resell It?
If your old PC is still in good condition and working without problems, nothing prevents you from reselling it. For this, turn to specialized sites. Some sites offer to take back any laptop, regardless of the device’s condition. In addition, they can recover your data and return it to you without you having to pay a single penny. The advantage of resale is that you make money while preserving the environment. Word of advice: If you are considering this solution, choose only reliable sites to avoid scams!
Resell Working Parts
Press the “power” button, but your PC does not turn on. Some parts may still be in perfect working order if it does not work. If you are not a connoisseur, visit a computer store to find out which parts you can resell. You will be able to pocket a few euros more.
Please Give It To Your Children!
Need to avoid parting with your old laptop? In this case, you can transform it and give it to your little treasures. This will be their very first PC. But before entrusting it to your children, you must carry out some checks. First, transfer all your files to a new location using, for example, an external hard drive. As soon as it is done, reset the PC by restoring the default settings.
Remember to delete apps that won’t be useful for children. The penultimate step is to level the device. This means that you need to make the PC perform better. And to achieve this, you can increase the memory and storage capacity. Finally, It is more than desirable to install a parental control feature to ensure healthy and beneficial internet use.
Collect Some Components!
Even if your old PC can’t match the performance of your new one, this one contains reusable components. For example, you can recover and use the hard drive as additional storage. Other components are also salvageable. Another option: your old PC can act as a home server, ensuring the connection of your devices to your network.
Donate Your Old Laptop
Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a laptop. That’s why many charities take back “old-fashioned” computers and donate them to people who can’t afford them. If you are generous and have your heart on your sleeve, you must donate your laptop to this association.
Think About Recycling
When a person wishes to get rid of an electronic device or other obsolete objects, the first instinct is to take them to the recycling center. You can do the same with your old laptop. Check with the town hall to know the exact collection points. Some structures support collection. In general, it is the local authorities or the town hall that manage these structures. Note that the recycling of computers follows a specific process, given that it contains elements harmful to humans and the environment.
Turn Your Old Laptop Into A Retro Game Console!
If you’re a fan of video games and you particularly appreciate slightly retro titles, why not turn your old PC into a console? Nowadays, it is simple to find emulators you can easily run, regardless of the operating system. In this way, you have a game console available to have fun during weekends or holidays, all without paying a penny.
Convert Your Old PC Into A Chromebook With Chrome OS!
This is an ideal solution for those who prefer ecological solutions. The American giant Google suggests that owners of “outdated” PCs install Chrome OS Flex. The goal is to make it a Chromebook. But you should know that the manipulations to be carried out require a certain knowledge because you must, for example, be able to navigate your PC’s Bios level.
Create A Home Security System
For low-income households, installing a video surveillance system can be expensive. If you have a laptop and cameras, it is possible to have an effective home security system at a lower cost. It would help if you found the proper monitoring software. The rest is child’s play. However, position the cameras in strategic places such as corridors or stairs. As you will understand, several ways exist to eliminate an old laptop PC. Whether your machine is in working order or not, know that you will always be able to profit from it.
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